《Lyra: Elastic Scheduling for Deep Learning Clusters》,面向深度学习集群的弹性调度
《CoLocateMe: Aggregation-Based, Energy, Performance and Cost Aware VM Placement and Consolidation in Heterogeneous IaaS Clouds》,基于聚合的VM部署策略
《A Novel Graph-Based Computation Offloading Strategy for Workflow Applications in Mobile Edge Computing》,面向具有任务依赖关系的工作流开展的边缘计算卸载方法。
《Serverless Computing: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Opportunities》,Serverless总数
《A Framework for Mapping DRL Algorithms With Prioritized Replay Buffer Onto Heterogeneous Platforms》,对具有优先级经验回放池的DRL异构计算适配
《Exploring Fine-Grained In-Memory Database Performance for Modern CPUs》,内存数据库的性能评估
《悉达多》—— 摘录
《Topology-Aware Scheduling Framework for Microservice Applications in Cloud》,拓扑感知的调度框架
《CloudSim Plus: A cloud computing simulation framework pursuing software engineering principles for improved modularity, extensibility and correctness》,一篇经典的模拟器算法